
                            2025 Tuesday Night Men’s League



                                                                         Join us every Tuesday at 6pm during the summer time for a fun team atmosphere. 


2024 Men's League Champs

May 5th – July 21st. Playoffs: July 29 – August 19.

4-person Teams with two Subs. $400/team.

Non-members = $30 includes Cart (Meadow Lake passholders no charge). Non-passholders can buy a Men’s League Punch Card $500 (12 punches).

Weekly on-course prizes are awarded, and the formats rotate between Scramble, Shamble, Chapman, and Individual in a team-vs-team setting. Complimentary meal will be held on July 22. Men will play from Blue Tees, and Senior Men (60+) White Tees. All participants must have a USGA GHIN handicap.